Custom-made furniture is often perceived as a costly extravagance. Therefore, consumers usually perish the thought of decorating their space using custom furniture. Read-made furniture is widely considered a much more affordable and way of decorating a space. There’s plenty of truth to that train of thought, though custom designed furniture isn’t necessarily as common perceptions lead us to believe.

Furniture that reflects your business or personality

Ready-made furniture gives you some choice regarding color, fabric and style, but it doesn’t allow you to have a one-of-a-kind piece like customizable furniture does. When you work with a custom furniture builder, you will be able to create a piece that accurately reflects your personality or business concept. A custom piece of furniture can either seamlessly blend into your space or become a statement piece that stands out from the rest of the room.

The perfect fit

One of the big advantages of having your furniture custom made is you will fill your space as efficiently as possible. Ready-made furniture is made to a predetermined size, whereas custom-made furniture is measured and made to your specific requirements. This includes both the physical size and shape of the piece. Overall, you can maximize your use of space with custom-made furniture.

Quality and Durability

Choosing to go with custom furniture goes beyond contributing to your piece on a creative level, it also means you can make decisions about the quality of your new furniture. You can have the final say on the woods or fabrics that will be used in the design of your furniture. On the other hand, ready-made furniture is commonly made using pressboard or plywood and tends to be less durable due to its lower quality..
If you’re going to be placing your furniture where there’s going to be a high area of traffic and may get damaged — in the lounge room where there will be plenty of children — then choosing something that’s cheaper to replace may be the smarter option i.e. ready-made furniture. However, if you’re after pieces that will be long-lasting then don’t look past custom-made furniture.


It goes without saying; ready-made furniture flies out of the factory a lot quicker than a custom-made piece does. With ready-made furniture, the wait time for delivery could be from 0 days to a couple of weeks, depending on stock levels. Custom-made furniture, on the other hand, does take some time. It depends on the popularity of your chosen designer, the complexity of your design, as well as the quantity of furniture that you need. It could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for your furniture to arrive. If you don’t mind waiting, go for the latter option. While custom-designed furniture does take more time to arrive, you will be purchasing furniture that will last longer and will end up saving you money over the long run.


When it comes to price, ready-made furniture will almost always win that battle. Though, not by as much as you think. If you’re talking about replacing parts, then sure. With ready-made furniture there are always spare parts laying around and their inexpensive to replace. In terms of buying an entire piece of furniture though, custom-made furniture isn’t a far worse option all the time.

Ready-made furniture designers inherit some major costs i.e. running factories, cost of materials, employing middlemen, and working with profit margins. If you take that into account, then commission a custom furniture designer may be a slightly more expensive, but far more valuable route to go. Over time, your custom-made furniture will hold its value significantly compared to ready-made furniture. It could also turn into an investment that actually increases in value. No matter what your budget or furniture needs, contact us from free consultations or to order your custom-made furniture. All our collections can be completely customized to suit your wants and needs.Many people think and believe that furniture is all the same, but that is just not true. There are actually several different kinds of furniture, and all of them are made differently. Each one consisting of completely different materials. You will also notice that custom-made furniture is more expensive and far more durable than ready-made or “disposable” furniture. There are a couple of reasons that contribute to this, which I will explain, in order to clear up the differences between the two. One of the reasons that custom-made furniture is preferable to ready-made or “disposable” furniture is because custom-made furniture is not as bulky. It is more expensive because it is made from authentic materials that are heavier and far more durable.

Custom made furniture can also be custom built to suite your home environment. You can have it customized to match any decor. You don’t have that option with readymade furniture. With readymade furniture you get what you pay for. It is hard to find furniture suited to match your personality and home when shopping readymade furniture. With custom made furniture you can tell the maker exactly what you are looking for, and the two of you will either find or have made that perfect piece of furniture to fit your home and style design. There is also a big difference in the material that is used between custom made furniture and readymade furniture. The difference is the quality and style of the two different types of furniture. Readymade furniture is used of cheaper material. It is great for people just starting out, children’s rooms and the like. It is not something that you buy to last your lifetime through or as a family heirloom. Much of this will be made from cheap particleboard or like materials. To be more specific, the majority of ready-made furniture items are made of 70% to 80% wood powder also known as particleboard. Plus, you have to assemble most of these types of items yourself, and that can be a real pain!

Particleboard is not water resistant, therefore is less durable than other board products. Readymade furniture is also bulky and really doesn’t suit your house needs to your expectations of what you need. The layer of protection is thin and flimsy. It will peel with little assistance and just from regular wear and tear. This is not furniture that can simply be redone either. Custom made furniture is crafted individually rather than being made in bulk like ready-made furniture. Costume made furniture lasts a lot longer due to the better quality wood that it is made of. It is made of commercial plywood and is also called MR ply or BWR ply. It is thicker and it lasts a lot longer than particleboard. Also, custom-made furniture is made to your specifications, and it isn’t as bulky as the retail furniture tends to be. Custom pieces will add value to your house. This is especially true if you are in the market to have the home appraised or sold. So, when you are looking to buy furniture, make sure you know the pros, the cons and differences between the two in order to help you make the best decision on which furniture will meet your current needs.


Glenser is an Interior Design Studio established especially with a passion to bring life to your dream home and our services are always tailor made to meet the specific needs of each client
We are driven from highly imaginative design solutions that satisfy human, physical, technical, aesthetic and functional needs of designing. We have mastered the perfect combination of light, space, creativity, technology and all the fine details necessary to create an unforgettably luxurious experience for everyone utilising the space.


Glenser Interior Studio No 3347/A 3rd floor 13 th main road Indiranagar Bangalore 560038 Landmark - next to spaarc institute doopanahalli.

  +91 9902364086
 +91 9513383343